American Modern and WWll

Anthony Chertudi
Design History & Theory

American Modern & WWll

-Margaret Bourke-White –“pig Dust”, “magical waves of sound”
-Carrier – “Fortune Mag”
-Joseph Binder – Art Deco- Skyscraper Fortune Mag Dec
-Georges Lepape – Vanity Fair
-Mehemed Agha – art director of Vanity Fair, implementing Art Deco and Const.
-Cipe Pineles- Vogue, Vanity Fair, Art Director for Glamour Mag,
-Alexey Brodovitch – Art Dir, Harper’s Bazar, hired Cassandre
-Lester Beal – Bauhaus Trad and new Type, Homegrown designer,
-Richard Floethe, silkscreen for Fed art gallery
-Carken, FAP, ZOO
-Joseph Albers – Machine Art exhibit, Ball Bearing
-Kem Weber, Zyphyr Clock
-William Van  Alen – Chrysler building, Art Deco
-Alfred H. Barr – Cubism and Abstract art catalog
-H. Nockur – PressanKoln,
-Fritz Ehmcke – “
-H.J. Ward, Spicy Mag, shut down by Mayer of NY
-Iwao Yamawaki – Assault on Bauhaus
-Richard Klien – Nazi Poster, strong symbols
-Ludwig Hohlwein – innovative
-Herbert Bayer –
John Heartfield – photomontage
-Jean Carlu – WWll poster “production”
-Charles Coiner – civilian def insignia
-Norman Rockwell – WWll propaganda illustrator

-Magazines, Posters,

-United States, Germany, Russia, England

1930’s to WWll

- Photomontage, Full Bleed, Silkscreen,

-Corporate Advertisers, Magazines, Fortune, Vanity Fair, Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, PM Mag, The Great Depression, Government patrons, MOMA, WWll propaganda

-Bauhaus was shut down by Hitler, Nazi propaganda ruled, Russian art and text was no longer as progressive due to Stalin, American Modern Art continued to flourish, war propaganda always seems to revert back to classic styles.

-Art Deco, Sackplakat, Constructivism, International style, Cubism and Abstract Art, Degenerate Style, Machine Aesthetic, Nazi propaganda, old style

-Art progressed in Germany until Hitler came to power with his classic old aesthetic, American art was progressive, MoMA.  War propaganda was not as manipulative in England and U.S.