Design Essay

Anthony Chertudi
Design History & Theory

The Importance of the Past, Present, and Future of Graphic Design

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.  This well-known quote seemed to echo through my mind as I read “good designers learn from history”. The purpose of this paper is to explain what graphic design is, how it came about, why it is important to me as a designer, and finally how I plan to allow graphic design of the past to make an impact on my development as a designer.

To begin, graphic design “is the renewal of type and image to convey a message to the audience through an objective on to a surface (Larry Clarkson).” Graphic design incorporates one or all of the following: type, image, sound, and motion. These elements work alone or together to achieve the heart of the idea. 

Graphic design came about when the need for symbols was used to convey thoughts, ideas, and emotions.  The visual need to communicate goes back to the early development of our species, hence the birth of graphic design.  Early history refers to the cave paintings of Southern Frances Lascaux, these paintings date back 17,300 years.  The primitive and beautiful images of Lascaux highlight line and form.  The craft of design waxes and wanes through history and directly reflects culture, and that specific culture’s enlightenment. The examples are limitless, and range from the Paleolithic cave paintings of the world, to the introduction of writing and calligraphy, which then morphed into books, scrolls, poetry, playing cards, war propaganda, politics, posters, and websites.

The history of graphic design is important to me because it would take me thousands of years to get to where we are now, so it would be easier for me to learn the well-established ideas that communicate clearly. I must learn from the past of what won’t work and what does work. It is imperative that we keep the history of graphic design alive to reflect on histories great design achievements and blunders.

Distinguishing fads from proven timeless design is the key in making graphics with great impact.  Knowing how and why design principles came about will give me a tool box of understanding that can be drawn on at any time with my ideas.  The more knowledge I can acquire the more sophisticated my objective will be due to the fact I am not chained to foolish and fleeting fads.