Contemporary Design

Anthony Chertudi
Design History & Theory

Contemporary Graphic Design
David Carson – grunge – expressive deconstructive – overprinting, chaotic typography, disorder, deliberate errors, blurred photos, reflection of dada
Elliot Earls – blue shadow typeface
Benjamin Savignac – founder of Dedicate,
Peter Saville, Brent Anderson – appropriation, association with music and fashion led to rock star status
Art Chantry – Eclecticism, historicism, and appropriation – contrarian designer?
David Lance Goines – Berkeley
Victor Deni – Russian
Fred Woodward – rolling stone embrace of Kitsch popular culture
Stefan Sagmeister – style=fart
John Maeda – Reebok
Fuel – play more
Experimental Jetset – roots to the de stijl and Bauhaus
Stacy Drummond – logo mtv 2
Satoshi Tajiri – Pokémon
Pierre Huyghe and Philippe Parreno – Ghosts in a shell
George Sanders – pop art revival
Stephan Wolf – panic now campaign
Sheppard Fairy – HOPE – obama
Laurie Rosenwald – illustration in a digital age
John Plukett – Wired, mind grenade
Dirk Uhlenbrock – electrance type
Tim Marcus – Taser typeface
Yugo Nakamura – moma 2008 site
Daniel Brown – digital flower
Kyle Cooper – motion graphics
Mark Bohman –
Marco Brambilla – music video
Kris Holmes – Charles Bigelow – Lucida sans
Erik Spiekermann – ff meta
Martin Majoor – ff scala
Jonathan Hoefler – Hoefler type
Jackson Tan – Phunk Studio
Bruce Mau – massive change exhibit
Jonathan Barnbrook – attacked the very profession that supports him

Magazines, posters, design firms, new type faces, motion graphics, digital media, internet, movies, video games

Companies needed an integration of pop culture and new hip trends to better communicate with the every changing mind of the consumer youth. 

1990’s to present

USA, Europe, Japan, Russia, most 1st world countries

All mediums really, computers, software, photo, photomontage, etc, etc.


Grunge, unkempt and chaotic aesthetic
Celebrification, rock star status
Appropriation – taking an existing idea or image and tweaking it for your own purpose
Illustration in the digital era

Using any available medium to connect with the viewer